Boundary Helping Hands Feline Rescue Society is a non-profit society that rescues, rehabilitates and re-homes cats in the Boundary area. The Society provides veterinary treatment, fostering and adoption services. Visit Us On Facebook Visit Website Email: [email protected] Phone: 250-801-0519
Greenwood Senior Citizens Thrift Store & Drop-in Centre
Location: 100 Deadwood Street, Greenwood, BC Phone: 250-445-6655 Hours: Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturday – from 11am to 3pm Faceboook: @GreenwoodSeniors99
Business Licences
City of Greenwood Business Licences Business Licence Fee: Please contact us for more information Business Licences must be renewed every January. Phone: 250-445-6644 Email: [email protected]
ICBC & Motor Vehicles
ICBC and Motor Vehicles at Greenwood City Hall The ICBC office is currently located at Greenwood City Hall, at 202 South Government Avenue. ICBC and Motor Vehicles is through H.G. Insurance Agencies HOURS OF OPERATION 8:30 am – 4:30 pm (closed between noon-1:00 pm for lunch) Visit Website
Greenwood Food Bank
Location: 401 N. Kimberley Avenue – Evangel Chapel HOURS: 1st and 3rd Thursday every month, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Donations can also be dropped off during these times. Contact: Karen Lehmann – 250-449-2279 Martin Fromme – 250-449-1978
Recycle Your Eyeglasses
Recycle your eyeglasses at City Hall. Helping out, with the Kettle River Lions Club. Visit Website
West Boundary (Greenwood) Landfill
LANDFILL HOURS: Tue., Fri., Sat. – 9am to 4pm. Illegal Waste Disposal and Landfill Information Recycling Bins located at West Boundary Landfill Information Visit Website
Greenwood BC Fast Charging Station
Electric Vehicle fast charging station available in Greenwood, BC, made possible by the “Accelerate Kootenays” project. The Flo Charging Station is located at 214 South Copper Avenue – adjacent to the Greenwood Museum and Visitor’s Centre. Visit Kootenay Station Map
Blue Box Recycling Program
The Blue Box Recycling Program is run by Alpine Disposal for Recycle BC. For more information Contact: 1-866-596-5444 Visit Website
West Boundary Community Forest (WBCF)
The City of Greenwood and the Village of Midway are joint shareholders in the West Boundary Community Forest. PDF Download: Public Meeting Presentation 2017 Visit Website Visit Us On Facebook